Lose Weight as a Life Style Change
YOU Can Do This! And Hypnosis Can Help!
Virtual and In Person Sessions Available

How can hypnosis help me to lose weight?

Hypnosis is a proven way to change old habits! I will take the time to learn about you and how you relate to food and any other issues related to your problem. I have a successful systematic approach, but I do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach. Here is how it works. There are two main factors that contribute to weight gain:

1. Bad habits such as eating too much, or eating the wrong kinds of foods. These bad habits can be picked up during childhood or at other times. These bad habits can be difficult to break on your own. Hypnosis makes it much easier.

2. The association between food and emotions. Most of my clients can make the connection between food and emotions. For example, many people have felt bored and opted for a snack to fill in the time. Or some people eat because of stress. Others are emotional eaters and don’t even know it.

I have advanced hypnosis training. The approach I use will help you take back control over those bad habits and emotional eating, so you will positively change your relationship with food.

During our work together, you will practice and learn some powerful techniques so that you can:

  • Believe that you can reduce your weight - and keep the weight off

  • Identify and handle triggers

  • Overcome cravings

Bad habits removed with Hypnosis!

First, I will listen to you and learn about the history of your struggle with controlling your weight. Then, I will answer any questions that you may have about hypnosis. You will have customized hypnosis sessions designed just for you that follow a successful systematic approach.

You will be guided into hypnosis. It is a cooperative state, I give you suggestions that were customized for you.  You only need to follow instructions so that a sufficient level of hypnosis can be obtained to make the changes that you came in to make.

You will practice and learn techniques to apply outside of our sessions to reach your goal.

Dissolving the emotional link that causes over eating and weight gain!

I have been trained to help you overcome the old hang-ups that have stressed you out and caused you to over eat if that is the case. This process along with a little bit of education will greatly reduce the desire to eat when you are not truly hungry - having the confidence to listen and to trust your body’s cues.

As part of the educative process, you will learn to take back control of how you feel emotionally, greatly improving your ability to control the quantity and quality of the food you eat! 

Self hypnosis assures permanent results!

What you want is permanent change! I am going to work with you to help you to accomplish a number of things to help you reach your weight loss goal. During the hypnosis sessions, you will gain a great deal of insight into why you have had this problem, and you will receive information about how emotions really work so that you will be more in control than ever before. Plus, at no extra cost, you will be offered the opportunity to learn a powerful self hypnosis technique.

This self hypnosis technique can be used in the future to make almost any kind of positive change in your life!